Letort Elementary PTO
Meeting Agenda
Jan. 14th, 2025
4:00-5:00 pm - Letort Library
Welcome and Introductions
Principal's Report - Mr. Malek - end of 2nd marking period Friday 1/17; No school Monday 1/20
(MLK Day) or Tuesday 1/21; return on Wednesday 1/22 is Cycle Day A (skipped D); new Pride of
Letort started in December (aka "Student of the Month"); new Paw Prints (similar to "Caught
Doing Something Good"); "Do the ROAR thing, even if nobody's watching." quote from 6th
grader Reece Gring for Mr. Malek's office door; Wednesday 1/22 is next ROAR assembly and will
kick off Letort Loves Literacy month 1/22-2/14 (book title to be announced)
Treasurer's Report - Krista Allison - ledger/balances reviewed
Previous Events Recap - Monica Beazley
Taekwondo Night - 40+ attended; used Cuscot's; + feedback; 1 suggestion for added parent
Teacher Conference Dinner - Merry Maker catering; + feedback; diverse menu; reasonable cost
MOD Take Out Night (Karen Giffin) and Holiday Shop (Bethany Nissley/Monica Beazley) - MOD
profit approx $200; Holiday Shop profit approx $500 + $200 tips; to be used to fund 6th grade
field trip to Ellis Island; 21 6th grade elves participated; + feedback
PTO advertised 6th grade gift wrapping event - generated funds for field trip
Teacher Wish List - Heather Tennies - + feedback; individualized wish lists; attractive display;
good change from prior Christmas Tree
Holiday Celebration and 6th grade SnowBalls - Bethany Nissley/Monica Beazley - + feedback;
coordinated with ROAR assembly; teachers participated/enjoyed; students enjoyed; great
costume rental from MU Costume Shop
Upcoming Events - Monica Beazley
Skate Night - Bethany Nissley - Friday 1/31 (early dismissal) 4-6 pm @ Overlook; toiletries by
donation for The Loft; free for all students/no rental fee
Girls Sneaker Dance - Monica Beazley/Bethany Nissley - Friday 2/14 6:30-8 pm; w/ DJ; replaces
prior Paint Night; girls +1 event; balloon arch; desserts; flier to come; considering Sign Up
Genius for extra parent help; free event w/ RSVP; ? time occupiers for girls/dads (other than
dancing) discussed games/crafts
Talent Show - Monica Beazley - March 21; will need AV help (Mr. Malek has contacted Keith
Henninger @ HS who should respond soon after 2nd semester starts); need to figure out stage
location & set up
Book Fair - Melany Musser & Kim Baker - 3/17 - 3/21; whole week; coordinated w/ Talent Show;
every child gets a free book using Scholastic Dollars as profit (not cash); expect Sign Up Genius
for parent helpers; book choices to come from teacher recommendations
Open Floor
Senior Scholarship - $500 award - 2 recipients - 1 award academic based & 1 award service based
- ? What should requirements be - considering an essay/statement - ? Should we ask questions -
teachers vote for recipients
Spring Spirit Wear Sale - needed? > "No" > will cancel
Next Meeting Tues. Feb. 11 4 pm Library
To Do: flier for Skate Night, paragraph for essay, investigate alternate spirit wear
Letort Elementary PTO
Meeting Minutes
November 12th, 2024
4:00 pm Letort Library
Welcome and Introductions
Principal's Report - Mr. Malek
* "Kiss the Goat" was a success, final student reward from Laps for Letort, Letort family supplied the goat, Thank you to Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Malek and the Rodaks
* Election Day voting for the Letort Lion's name was fun, ended in a tie!, Larry is the mascot's new name
* Call a Veteran, for Veterans' Day, Thank you 5th grade, + experience for all involved
* Report cards issued Friday 11/15, Parent Teacher Conferences Monday/Tuesday 11/25 & 11/26 (early dismissal days)
Treasure's Report - Krista Allison
* reviewed budget, current checking account total = $28,778.50
Previous Event Recap
* Spirit Wear sale - Monica Beazley, 35 sales, $304 total raised, 70+ items sold, approx $4/item raised, plan to repeat in the spring
* Laps for Letort - Monica Beazley, $33,949 raised, + feedback about the dancing portion, need other DJ options, do not want to use same DJ again due to negative interactions
Upcoming Events
* Taekwondo Night (for the boys) 11/14 6-7:30 pm - Monica Beazley, expecting 35-40 boys and their guests, have desserts/snacks/drinks, using Cuascut's Academy of Martial Arts
* Teacher Conference Dinner 11/25 - Monica Beazley, using Merry Market catering, orders for food & drink received
* Take out Tuesday (December) & Holiday Shop - Karen Giffen & Bethany Nissley
-- MOD pizza Rohrerstown Rd donates 20% with flier during business hours 12/4
-- 5 Below Stone Mill Plaza donates 10% with flier during business hours (9:00 am - 10:00 pm), sale extends 12/2 - 12/8, encouraging participation 12/4 for school wide shopping event coordinated with Take out Tuesday, will have 6th grade volunteers ("elves") help with shopping, checking out, & gift wrapping, costumes encouraged, fliers to go home next week
* Giving Tree - Gabriela Haigiu & Heather Tennies, voted on back drop on which to hang display of Christmas stockings filled w/ Teacher wish lists, will be available for Parent Conferences on 11/25 & 11/26 (decided on no tree this year).
* School Holiday Celebrations 12/19 - ALL to discuss ideas, plan to have an assembly with singing, decided to have an event instead of a treat/gift, Gabriela suggested having a "snowball fight," ideas expanded to include 6th grade vs Teachers, rest of students will watch/cheer, Karen working to secure "snowballs" to borrow from another school
* Skate Night (January) - Bethany Nissley, planned for Friday 1/31 4:00 - 6:00 pm (early dismissal day), decided to use Overlook Skate Rink (lower price, bigger, cleaner, nice snack bar, should allow for free skate rentals for all students), Bethany to secure date with venue (will not be prior to an Open Skate this year so should not feel as rushed as last year at the end of the night)
* Dance Party (for the girls) Friday 2/14 - more TBD, started to discuss having a theme vs using Valentines Day as the theme
* Talent Show Friday 3/21 - Mr. Malek to reach out to student contact, need person to do audio during performance & dress rehearsal (2 separate night commitments)
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 4:00 pm, Letort Library (2nd Tuesday of every month)
Letort Elementary PTO Minutes
October 8, 2024
4 pm Library
Meeting Agenda
Principal's Report - Mr. Malek:
* 9/26 mid-way through 1st marking period; 10/18 conference info. coming out
* feels like year is off to a great start; excited for Lapps and "Taping to the Wall" reward
* Letort Lion name/election (for election season) - narrow to final 3 then vote
* Safe Skills Drill early November; will send parent letter before/after; scenario will be different this year (plan to involve a drone)
Treasurer's Report - Krista Allison:
* (+) Tropical Smoothie $180.66 - successful
* (+) Laps for Letort at $17,000
* (+) Cans is over $100 for the year
* (-) custodians' gifts
* (-) supplies
* balance approximately $23,000
* exact figure worksheet not available
Previous Event Recap
* Take Out Night (Karen Giffin) at Tropical Smoothie seemed popular; (+) $180.66
* Spirit Wear clothing and earring sale (Monica Beazley) closes 10/9 then orders ship; 33 spirit wear orders through CRS Apparel; 50 earring orders; consider shortening length of sale next year
* National Custodians' Day (Monica) was last week; gift cards and thank you notes were organized by Michelle Herr; Michelle will do all appreciations gifts this year
Upcoming Events
* Laps for Letort (Monica & Bethany Nissley) is accepting donations through 10/17
Letort Elementary PTO Minutes
September 10, 2024
4 pm Library
Welcome and Introductions
Attendance: Monica Beazley, Lindsay Gring (recording minutes), Mr. Malek, Mrs. Winters, Mrs. Wright, Krista Allison, Gabriela Hagiu, Karen Giffin, Heather Tennies, Becky Ecker, Lauren Wise, Becka Long
Principal's Report - Mr. Malek
1st day went great; 327 students enrolled
monthly assembly "Let's Roar"
"Adopt a Lion" mascot on display in office
key phrase "trusted adult"
Treasurer's Report - Kirsta Allison
report distributed/reviewed
early year expenses explained
work on promoting Cans for Kids
make sure teachers are aware of field trip budget allotment $750
Previous Event Recap
"Popsicles on the Playground" success x 2 groups
catered luncheon for teachers success catered by Stacey Heiney
"Chalk the Walk" success x 2 entrances
1st day yearbook photos obtained by Becky Ecker and Jess Mann
"Back to school Night" PTO table and photo op station success
Raffle Winner drawn > Erin Bricker
Upcoming Events
1st Take Out Tuesday 9/11 4-8 pm Tropical Smoothie
tentative Take Out Tuesday schedule: Sept/Dec/Mar/Apr; No Friscos; Moe's?; also plan for Sub Sale
Spirit Wear Sale and PM Ear Ring Sale through 10/9; 19 orders to date
Grab & Go Teacher dinner 11/25 @ Parent Teacher Conferences; Merry Maker?; Milk and Honey?
Laps for Letort 10/10 (K-3 9:15-10:15; grades 4-6 10:20-11:20); Pep Rally Kick Off 9/27; fundraiser active x 2 weeks starting 9/27; using BoosterThon platform but not purchasing prizes through platform; found DJ GMD Sounds very reasonable cost and school friendly; Sign Up Genius to come for parent volunteers; spectator area for viewing; 6 business donors secured to date; parent work group in place to help with day-of festivities and decorations; PTO will pay processing fees for donors; expect lower cost overall due to organizing/purchasing prizes internally; goal is $30,000 raised; NEED TO REPLACE BOUNCE HOUSE PRIZE LEVEL; suggested school wide assembly ? Lancaster County Environmental Center
Open Floor/Discussions/Questions
Districtwide PTO guidelines distributed/reviewed; emphasized 1 event in house after school hours per season Fall/Winter/Spring; will need to decide on finalized calendar in order to limit after school events at building (?Family Disco, ?Paint Night); Fall - Mother Son Karate event; Winter - Father Daughter Dance event; Spring - Talent Show; will also be permitted to host End of Year Picnic; ? Movie Night @ Clipper (Springtime)
Next PTO meeting 10/8 4 pm Library (2nd Tuesday Monthly 4 pm)
Ann Letort Elementary PTO
Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2024 – Letort Library
In attendance: Kim Baker (Faculty Rep), Melissa Hochreiter (President), Monica Beazley (Vice President),
Tara Beakes (Treasurer), Karen Giffin (Asst. Officer), Bethany Nissley (Asst. Officer), Gabriela Hagiu (Asst.
Treasurer), Krista Allison, Melany Musser & Kelly Reppert.
Monica opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report:
Kim Baker reported for the Kelli Eachus. The school is gearing up for PSSA’s. Report cards were
posted to Sapphire today.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara Beakes reported a balance of $18,385.36.
Cans for Kids year to date is $153.87.
$20 check for Mother Son Dance fees was deposited.
Previous Events Recap
Talent Show – Monica reported the Talent Show was a huge success. It was well attended. The
kids did great. Overall great event! All those in attendance were in agreement.
Upcoming Events
Spring Fundraiser – The sub/sandwich order forms went out to students last week. They are due
back April 19th . We are hoping for a good response.
Appreciation Days – Gabriella & Tara have bus driver appreciation taken care of on 4/23.
Heather will take care of Admin Asst. day for Melanie Drennen on 4/24.
Daughter/Date Paint Night – Karen reported there are 82 girls & 63 father figures signed up for
the event on 4/19. That’s a total of 145. Slightly higher than last years 132. She needs to order
more canvas’s & plastic table clothes. There is enough paint. Monica will be picking up
snack/drinks at BJ’s to bring the night of. Karen feels good about the set up help. Tara, Monica &
Gabriella. She asks help to arrive between 4:30-5. Tara brought up the traffic flow last year &
how slow it was. Karen is considering how to work through that. Will hopefully have 2 lines set
up for checking in.
PSSA Breakfast/Teacher Appreication Week – Melissa reported that she has a coffee truck
coming on Wednesday 5/1 for the PSSA teacher breakfast. Milk & Honey catering will be doing
teacher appreciation lunch on 5/7.
Yearbook – Monica reported that the yearbook is going well. We have almost all student & staff
pictures. Working on getting a few more. Most teachers have submitted pictures but some still
have not. We are working to complete the yearbook & get a pdf proof to Mrs. Drennen. Jess
Brown is currently entering the 6th grade bio info. Monica is going in at recess this week to take
pics of missing kids some student pictures for candid photos. The last event in the yearbook
will be awesome activity day on May 3. Yearbook will be due by the end of the day that day.
End of the year festival – Melissa reported that she has two food trucks (burgers & BBQ) & two
dessert trucks (ice cream & shaved ice) scheduled to come. She also has bounce houses booked.
She needs to talk to Kelli Eachus about whether or not we will have a dunk tank this year. If we
are doing the dunk tank we need to start getting staff. We need to start getting parents signed
up to help soon also. Karen & Tara are working on the raffle prizes. Kelly Reppert would like to
donate a DIY terrarium basket from her business River Roots. Krista asked if she can put
together some baskets of her own to donate. She will talk to Karen about it.
Elections – Melissa reported there were three positions open for the 24-25 school year,
president, treasurer & secretary. Monica was nominated for President. Bethany was nominated
for Vice President. Lindsey Gring was nominated for Secretary. A vote was not needed. Melissa
put out a motion for the following: Monica (President), Bethany (Vice President), Krista Allison
(Treasurer), Gabriella Hagiu (Asst. Treasurer), Lindsey Gring (Secretary), Heather Tennies (Asst.
Secretary) & Karen Giffen (Asst. Officer). Tara 2nd the motion. Tara added she will need to meet
at PNC with Krista & Gabreilla the beginning of June to transfer info.
Open Floor/Discussions/Questions
Kim & Melany came to discuss the 24-25 Book Fair. They currently have it scheduled for the end
of October. They received feedback to move it to winter/spring due to October being a bigger
spending month for families with school pictures, laps & sports fees. Kim doesn’t want to do
Jan/Feb due to LeTort Loves Literacy work load for her. It was discussed doing it the end of March
after the Talent Show over & possibly for parents to buy Easter gifts for kids. Kim said we will
keep the October date & it shouldn’t be a problem to move it further out with Scholastic if
Kim brought up the Summer Reading Challenge & asked if PTO would support the reward again
this year. She is looking to pair with Dr. Jansen & have a reading/physical activity challenge for
the kids. Martic does a field trip as a reward & she is hoping to do that. She emailed Kelli &
Brian to see if they would be onboard but has not heard back yet. She suggested a picnic at
Daniel’s Den Park or Muddy Run as a reward. Melissa suggested looking into the local pools for a
splash party. Kim didn’t love that idea because parents would need to do the transportation.
Karen read an email she had from Muddy Run Park. They don’t do large group trips anymore. It
was left PTO would support a trip but it would need to be supported by the principal. We would
also need to consider the expenses of the trip.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm.
Next/Final meeting will be Thursday, May 9 at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Monica Beazley.
Ann LeTort Elementary PTO Meeting Minutes
11 January 2024
In attendance: Mrs. Kelli Eachus (Interim Principal), Melissa Hochreiter (President), Monica Beazley (Vice-President), Tara Beakes (Treasurer), Karen Giffin (Asst. Officer), Heather Tennies (Secretary), Gabriela Hagiu, and 3 others
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report (Mrs. Eachus):
Introduction of Mrs. Kelli Eachus, who will be Interim Principal for the Spring Semester. Her first official day at LeTort will be January 19 (in-service day) and with the students beginning January 22.
Dr. McPherson will transition to Principal at Central Manor Elementary on January 19, 2024.
LeTort Loves Literacy will start on Tuesday, January 16 with an assembly at 2:00pm.
Mrs. Eachus will visit each classroom in her first weeks to get to know the students and do read-alouds.
Treasurer’s Report:
Total in the account is $19,525.98
Buses for fieldtrip to Freedom Park: ($312.60)
Cans-4-Kids: $3.30 + $13.55 / Year to date: $112.22
Booster deposit for LAPs: $35.00
Roller skating at Overlook: ($285)
Dinner for teachers—Parent-Teacher Conferences: ($489.16)
Duct tape and flowers (taped Dr. McPherson to the wall as a LAPs prize): ($75.94)
Milk and cookies for holiday celebration: ($549.19)
Bounce Day obstacle course: ($767.50)
Take-out Tuesday December—Mod Pizza: $178.53
Take-out Tuesday October—Moe’s: $221.50
Previous Events Recap
Take-out Tuesday: December’s was at Mod Pizza. Successful!
January’s was at Frisco’s.
Holiday Shop: Was at the new Five Below at Stone Mill Plaza. Great turn out! We need more flyers next year to hand out at the store—flyer is needed at checkout to record the sale.
Giving Tree: Discussion—too many “gift card” tags (requested by teachers); lack of specifics from some of the teachers; and wondering why support staff did not participate in the survey. Suggestion to ask teachers for a list of their favorite things. Heather, Gabriela, and Monica will work on that next year. Heather will review the remaining gift tags and assess which gift suggestions were most popular.
Parent-Teacher Conference staff dinner: Grab-and-go dinners, beverages, snacks were provided for the teachers on November 20.
Holiday Celebration refreshments:
Mr. Deubler had a student sing-along assembly on December 21.
PTO delivered milk, cookies, and candy canes to the classrooms during the assembly.
Kids were excited about the treats, but not so much the chocolate milk.
Upcoming Events
Roller skating:
Overlook Skating Rink on Friday, January 19 from 3:00 to 5:00pm
Admission is covered by PTO; skate rental is $3.00.
There will also be a tissue and toilet paper drive for The Loft.
Take-out Tuesday:
February 6 will be Shake Shack (by Wegman’s)
March 5—looking at Hess BBQ, with pickup at Hess’s in Willow Street
April—possibly Copper Hill with discussion and suggestions of backup ideas
Yearbook Cover Contest / Yearbook:
Information about the yearbook cover contest west out to 6th grade students over winter break. The art will be submitted to the teachers anonymously to be judged.
Two moms are helping with the yearbook and pictures.
Sons and Special Ladies Dance:
Friday, February 9
Glow dance theme was popular. PTO will come up with more glow ideas.
Chip (MU) will come back again this year to teach/lead dances. Monica will check to see if he will bring his equipment. He donates his time; PTO will get him a gift card to Crossgates golf course.
Discussion of food—pizza?
Talent Show:
Very popular, but also labor-intensive. It was decided to move forward with the event.
March 4 and 5 after school: “Show us your act”
March 14: dress rehearsal
March 15: Talent Show
Mrs. Eachus has it on her calendar. PTO will try to get at least one teacher involved.
PTO/parent assistance is needed for all the dates and especially for the dress rehearsal and show.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 6 at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Heather Tennies.
Ann LeTort Elementary PTO Meeting Minutes
7 November 2023
In attendance: Dr. Carly McPherson (Principal), Melissa Hochreiter (President), Monica Beazley (Vice-President), Tara Beakes (Treasurer), Karen Giffin (Asst. Officer), Bethany Nissley (Asst. Officer), Heather Tennies (Secretary), Gabriela Hagiu (Asst. Treasurer), Mrs. Kelli Eachus (Interim Principal), and 5 others
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report (Dr. McPherson):
Introduction of Mrs. Kelli Eachus, who will be Interim Principal for the Spring Semester
Dr. McPherson will transition to Principal at Central Manor Elementary on January 19, 2024.
Thanks to PTO for sponsoring the S.T.E.A.M. assembly. The students LOVED it!
“Caught doing the right thing” students for October have been recognized.
Thanks to the PTO for sponsoring the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conference dinner.
Thanks for a great working relationship with PTO.
Treasurer’s Report:
Total in the account is $31,164.36
Cans-4-Kids: $5.60 + 16.80 = $22.40
Spirit Wear sale: $460 – deposit
Paid Scholastic: $3,779.73
LAPS for LeTort: $767 - deposit
Previous Events Recap
Spirit Wear sale: Good variety, better quality products, options.
LAPs for LeTort:
Super successful because of the company we used to run it. The kids liked the prizes and incentives and it was well run.
PTO will not use that company again because of the platform fees and will look at other options for next year.
There weren’t many spectators, so we’ll look at the ½ day in September so it may be easier for parents to attend. PTO will have to get ahead of it to start fundraising earlier.
As a prize for the students, Dr. McPherson agreed to be duct-taped to the wall. The date was set for December 6 during student arrival.
S.T.E.A.M assembly: Successful event. Kids loved it and would have liked more time at each station.
Scholastic Book Fair:
Earned $3,000—Scholastic dollars which support the school’s book purchases.
PTO made slightly less than last year, but it worked better for the staff to have the book fair in October and not during Parent Teacher conferences.
Maybe have the book fair in January next year so we don’t have a bunch of fundraisers in a row.
Have evening hours the second day after all classes have gone through instead of the first day.
Scholastic was a little disorganized and PTO will look into other companies for next year.
Upcoming Events
Take-out Tuesday:
On Thursday, December 7 to coordinate with the Holiday Shop. Mod Pizza at Lime Spring.
January’s will be at Frisco’s Chicken. A new Frisco’s is opening in Willow Street and the code can be used at any of the restaurants.
Holiday Shop: Will be at the new Five Below at Stone Mill Plaza on Thursday, December 7.
PTO is not participating with Scrip Cards this year and will not be doing the proposed Bloombox fundraiser.
Parent-Teacher Conference grab-and-go dinners will be provided for the teachers on November 20.
Giving Tree:
Gabriela sent out a survey to teachers to get ideas on what they need for the classroom and what they like individually.
Color-coded tags by grade level. Tags can be reused. Two new teachers and new tags will be made based on survey answers.
Holiday Celebration assembly:
NO hot cocoa this year! Very messy.
Mr. Deubler will have a student sing-along on December 21.
PTO can do refreshments. TBD.
Potential Winter event in January:
Ideas—ice skating, indoor movie, roller skating
Great time to collect donations for The Loft.
Perhaps on January 19 during the day? (Teacher in-service day)
Bethany will check into pricing and availability for The Castle and Overlook.
Open Floor
Information about the yearbook cover contest will go out to 6th grade students over winter break.
The Kids Heart Challenge is taking place through November. The school will receive $500 for physical education equipment if enough students register.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Next meeting will be Thursday, January 11 at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Heather Tennies.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ann Letort Elementary PTO
Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2023 – Letort Library
In attendance: Dr. McPherson (Principal), Melissa Hochreiter (President), Monica Beazley (Vice President), Tara Beakes (Treasurer), Bethany Nissley (Asst. Officer), Gabriela Hagiu (Asst. Treasurer), Mrs. Baker (Academic Support Teacher) and 6 others.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson reported the news is out about her moving to Central Manor in January. The change has been in the works since the Spring. Kelli Eachus will be here in January as an interim. Brian Malek from Central Manor will start in August after his sabbatical. They will start having meetings ASAP to have a smooth transition. Kelly should be at the PTO meeting in November.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara Beaks reported a balance of $20,156.17. The highest its been in a long time.
3 Deposits have already been made for Laps profit. A total of $14,928.66 so far.
She paid the remainder of the 10/18 assembly of $847. The total was $1695.
We received a $200 check from Weis which was deposited.
Donations for $250 were deposited.
Cans for Kids check for $72.97 was deposited.
31 Tote sale profit of $250.00 was deposited.
Tropical Smooth check for $220.86 was deposited.
Previous Events Recap
Take out Tuesday – Tara reported for Karen. Moe’s brought in $220.00. We didn’t have a great turn out for this fundraiser, but it was easy, and we will probably try again in the Spring. November 7th is Isaacs. It’s pending right now but should go through soon once paperwork is approved. December 7 is mod pizza at Belmont in conjunction with the Holiday Shop at 5 Below that evening.
Spirit Wear Sale – Monica reported we had a successful sale. We sold 115 items. We received a $4 commission on each item. Our profit was $460. Parents & staff are happy with the new vendor & the quality of the products. 2 more shipments will be coming soon.
National Custodian Day – Melissa reported that Heather gave Ashley & Jeff gift cards from the PTO for this holiday.
Outdoor Movie Night – Melissa reported the event was cancelled the day of due to wind. She came out to Letort the afternoon of to assess the weather and it was too risky for the outdoor screen. We are discussing the possibility of an indoor movie night this winter.
Upcoming Events
Laps for Letort – Melissa reported the laps donations are the highest she remembers in the last 8 years! Carly hasn’t had any complaints from teachers in regard to their involvement with videos and prize distribution. Kim Baker brought up how she was upset about the donor fee when placing her donation. It was very high. Others said they were upset about fees as well. Melissa explained we are aware of the fees and plan to discuss it with Booster in the follow-up meetings and to review the contract. We reached a much larger audience using this platform but have to determine whether or not it was worth it. Kids are to bring water bottles & wear athletic shoes. There is no rain date. Attire is Penn Manor pride. The front lot will be closed. The time was slightly changed for grades 4-6 due to kindergarten dismissal.
Assembly – Steam assembly is on Wednesday October 18th. We still need more volunteers. You can find the sign-up genius in the latest Letort Ledger. The assembly is a science & technology program with very involved, hands-on activities.
Scholastic Book Fair – Book fair is Oct 24 & 25. PTO will be gifting every child a book that they will receive at the book fair. Parents can send cash or set up an E-wallet for their children. Classes will have 30 minutes to shop during their regular Library Instruction time. There will be a sign-up genius coming for parent volunteers.
Take out Tuesday – Next one is November 7th at Isacc’s.
Scrip Cards/Bloombox – The group discussed whether to do the Scrip Card fundraiser again this year. It has been a lot of work in the past and doesn’t bring in a lot of money. Melissa introduced another possible fundraiser, Bloombox. Bloombox uses local farms to put together wreaths, greens and arrangements for the holidays. PTO would receive a percentage of the sales. It was decided to not do Scrip Cards this year and to try the Bloombox fundraiser or maybe a poinsettia fundraiser.
Teacher Conference Dinner – The PTO will provide a grab & go dinner for all staff during teacher conferences on November 20th.
Giving Tree – The group discussed whether or not to continue the Giving Tree for teachers. Parents feel like it has become more of a gift card request from teachers. Dr. McPherson said it’s easier for teachers to ask for gift cards because they may not know what they need at that moment. Gabriela offered to create a survey for teachers where they would list their favorite things. We will try to use this in conjunction with the giving tree this year.
Open Floor/Discussions/Questions
Bethany Nissley discussed a camp her daughter did this summer at Servant Stage. They have a 45-minute school year program that she would like to bring to Letort. The production is for grades 3-6 and would be done in February to celebrate Black History Month. It’s a pay what you can show but would be $500-$800 for them to break even. She feels as though the production would be ok for K-6. Bethany sent info to Dr. McPherson to review. Melissa stated PTO would only pay for it if we could show it to K-6. It was discussed whether or not she should pursue it with PMEF. Carly said that would probably take too long at this point. Carly will be in touch after she reviews it.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, November 7 at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Monica Beazley.
Ann LeTort Elementary PTO
Meeting Minutes
12 September 2023
LeTort Library
In attendance: Dr. Carly McPherson (Principal), Melissa Hochreiter (President), Monica Beazley (Vice-President), Tara Beakes (Treasurer), Karen Giffin (Asst. Officer), Bethany Nissley (Asst. Officer), Heather Tennies (Secretary), Mrs. Baker (Academic Support Teacher) and 10 others
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson reported a fabulous start to the school year.
Reminder to read the LeTort Ledger which is sent out each Wednesday—it’s the main form of communication from Dr. McPherson.
Mrs. Strosser, School Counselor, is now full-time at LeTort!
New initiative for the building—Each month, a new secret detective (a.k.a. staff member) will be looking for students who were “Caught Doing the Right Thing” throughout the month. At the end of the month, those students will be recognized with a certificate and a trip to the prize cart. Also, one class will be rewarded with an ice cream treat for consistently “Doing the Right Thing” during the month. As an additional incentive, each week 13 students will be recognized by a staff member for “Doing the Right Thing” and have the opportunity to have their name selected for a treat from the cafeteria.
All parents must show identification for entrance to any Penn Manor building; to attend meetings, volunteer, or pick up their students, etc during the school day.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara Beakes reported a balance of $5,646.78
Start of school year expenses:
Welcome Back Teachers luncheon $723.85 (Tropical Smoothie $189.66, Grand Central Bagel 534.19)
Classroom money handed out to teachers $3,250
Assembly deposit $847.50
Popsicles for Meet Me at the Playground event $15
First day of school $19.08
Back to School Night $54.49
Laps for LeTort organizer vendor $1,000
Previous Events Recap
Popsicles on the Playground on Wednesday, August 23
Open house for kindergarten students and students new to the school
PTO officer and student ambassadors handed out popsicles and welcomed the new students and their families
Welcome Back Luncheon for Staff on Tuesday, August 22
Tropical Smoothie and Grand Central Bagel
PTO handed out classroom money to the teachers
Enjoyed by the staff—Thank you!
Chalk the Walk/First Day
Parents were invited to help decorate the sidewalks at the front and back entrances with pictures and positive messages for the first day of school. Good turnout and we plan to invite parents in the future. Unfortunately, an unexpected downpour during the night washed away most of the artwork.
Melissa and Monica were onsite the first day to take pictures for the yearbook.
Back To School Night on Wednesday, August 30
PTO had a welcome station set up in the All-Purpose Room with information about PTO, sign-up sheets for PTO events, a PM spirit wear sale launch, candy.
Generated interest and got some new contacts.
31-Tote sale was the summer fundraiser
49 totes sold with $245 coming back to PTO
Martic Elementary is doing theirs next
Summer Reading Challenge treat on September 11
133 students participated (about 40% of students grades 1-6)
Students received icee treats and fished for an additional prize
Upcoming Events
Take Out Tuesday
September 12—Tropical Smoothie
October 10—Moe’s Southwest Grill
Meal kit is ordered in advance, Moe’s will deliver the orders to LeTort for $15, orders will be picked up at LeTort
PTO officers/volunteers will be needed to help
Spirit Wear Sale (LeTort and Penn Manor)—fundraiser ends October 6
Flyers went home with students
More options this year!
Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, September 22
PTO pays for license that allows school district to show movies indoors and in classrooms. Melissa is checking into adding to that license.
As of September 15: Arrangement was worked out for LeTort to show a movie outside for the special movie night.
Laps for LeTort on Friday, October 13
Biggest fundraiser of the year
PTO will be using an outside vendor to run the event to take some of the burden off the PTO. The vendor will take care of music, marketing, and online fundraising. Cost is $1,000 and worth the investment.
Monica is looking into getting signs for parents for parents to write motivational messages for the kids.
Scholastic Book Fair on October 24 and 25
Students will shop during Library Instruction and there will be evening hours on October 24.
PTO gifts every student a book. They will pre-select so we can get books to them on the days of the book fair.
Set up will be Monday, October 23.
Melany is working on the letter.
Fundraising profits are either in Scholastic Dollars (preferred) or cash back.
Open Floor
Question about signing up for volunteer help during the school day—can young children come with parent? Depends on volunteer activity—for example, putting PTO flyers in mailboxes would be okay, volunteering in classrooms not okay.
Volunteers needed to help with activities during the STEAM assembly on October 18.
Dr. Janssen requested two large water jugs/cooler. Tara Beakes has two she will donate.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Next meeting will be Thursday, October 12 at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Heather Tennies.
LeTort PTO Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2023 at 4:30 pm at 130 Ridge Ln.
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Monica Beazley, Vice President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Gabriela Hagiu, Assistant Treasurer; Bethany Nissley -Signs
Treasurer forecast: after the final anticipated incoming revenue and payments/reimbursement, there is expected to be approximately $12,000 in the PTO account for the beginning of the next academic year. From those, over $5,000 will be spent at the beginning of the year for pre-planned activities (breakfast for teachers, ice cream truck, luncheon for teachers, popsicles, teachers’ disbursements, etc.)
Additional fundraisers are to be considered to balance the increased cost of activities and additional approved activities for students and teachers. Fundraiser suggestions will be discussed in upcoming meetings. Some suggestions offered at this meeting were: a silent auction for students’ artwork, bingo night, a raffle event, and kids versus teacher games/sports.
An additional movie night in the fall was considered a good opportunity for fundraising. One idea was to hold an outdoor movie night in September on a Friday or Thursday night and have a suggested donation request. PTO will provide popcorn.
A buyout option should be added to the fundraiser forms, so families can support PTO without the obligation of ordering, picking up, etc. This option can support the involvement of family members that do not live nearby and cannot participate in a sub-sale, for example. Melissa shared the request PTO received for purchasing two big coolers and two thermoses, which led to more discussions about the buyout option on the soliciting flyers. It was mentioned that if families know what the funds are used for, they will be more willing to support the PTO fundraisers.
The spirit sale was discussed, and research will be done for a different vendor that would offer more options. Some suggestions for additional items were: caps, umbrellas, rain jackets, outdoor chairs, blankets, and travel mugs. Another suggestion was to use mostly Penn Manor branding and add the Letort logo/name on the sleeve or conspicuously else so the items can be broadly utilized at Penn Manor events/sports.
When discussing the Book Fair, the group considered making it a separate event to be held on different days than parent-teacher conferences days.
End of year picnic received great feedback. The group considered keeping the same format for next year but adding more options and different food trucks. It was also suggested that for next year PTO should consider contacting PM high school students and MU students to volunteer for the bounce houses and face painting stations.
LeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2023 at 6:30 in the library
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Jess Martin, Secretary; Gabriela Haigu, Assistant Treasurer; Karen Giffen, Assistant officer; Dr. McPherson and 2 other attendees.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson discussed end of year events. Awesome Activity Day was a huge success. Thanks to Dr. Janssen and all the volunteers who made the day run smoothly.
The book swap will be held at the end of May. Students may bring in new or gently used books and pick other books for Summer reading.
The final Lunch & Learn will be held May 16 from 6-7pm for incoming Kindergarten students only.
The senior walk (former LeTort students that are graduating this year) will be held May 31.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara shared there is currently $15,909.16 in the account
Previous Events:
Karen reported that the Daddy/Daughter night was a huge success. The do it yourself method worked. Mrs. Harnish was able to visit more with those in attendance.
Melissa said the PSSA Staff Breakfast was enjoyed by all.
The roller skating was well attended and enjoyed by all. Special thanks for all the toiletry donations to The Loft.
Melissa shared that the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon was appreciated by the staff. It was catered by Milk & Honey and was well done.
Upcoming Events / Housekeeping:
The yearbook is finished and will be delivered to students the week of May 27.
Melissa shared that field trips for several grades are happening.
6th Grade Events- The students will be recognized on June 1 by the 6th grade teachers. Families are invited to attend. The event starts at 2:15.
Monica talked about the End of Year Festival to be held May 25 from 5:30-8pm at the school. Food trucks will be available or you can bring your own picnic and drinks. There will be a dunk tank, raffles, inflatables, face painting, and more. Bring lawn chairs.
2023-2024 Elections- The votes were unanimous. Monica Beazley was confirmed as the Vice President and Heather Tennies was confirmed as the Secretary.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05.
LeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
11 April 2023 at 6:30pm
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Gabriela Hagiu Asst. Treasurer; Karen Giffen, Asst. Officer; Dr. Carly McPherson, Principal; and five other attendees.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson reported that the PSSA tests will be the weeks of April 24 and May 1. The students will have “spirit color days” again this year—that information will be in the LeTort Ledger.
Field trips are coming up.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12. Teachers will receive flowers on May 8 and will have a PTO sponsored luncheon.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara noted that there is currently $18,763.27 in the PTO account.
Cans for Kids income = $25.55 in March for a total of $180 this year
Sub Sale expense = $3,667 ; sales = $6,015 ; actual income not yet confirmed
Two yearbook refunds were made to parents who paid for 6th grade yearbooks, $43
Daddy Daughter Paint Night registration income = $1160
Gift card was purchased for the dance instructor for the Sons and Special Ladies Glow Dance, expense = $30
Previous Events Recap:
Karen reported that income for the April Take-Out Tuesday at Chipotle was about $161.88 (33% of sales) and will confirm total at the May meeting.
There was a discussion about the Take Out Tuesday fundraiser and it was decided to continue that event for the 2023-2024 school year.
Melissa reported that the Talent Show was fun and attracted a huge crowd. Only about half the number of acts than in previous years, but a great turnout with many families attending to support the students. Next year tryouts and dress rehearsal will be scheduled farther apart.
Upcoming Events:
Andrea reported that the yearbook is moving along and they are working on getting pictures from teachers. Yearbooks have been purchased for the 6th graders. Deadline to order is April 28.
Karen reported that the Daddy Daughter Paint Night sold out right away, 59 dads and 73 daughters. More canvases and sharpies were ordered. Mrs. Harnish will move from table to table this year instead of instructing the group as a whole. PTO will provide refreshments/snacks. PTO will give Mrs. Harnish a gift card.
The paint night event was successful last year—it is engaging and interactive entertainment, although some families miss the dance.
Discussed the idea of alternating the paint and dance events between moms/sons and dads/daughters every other year.
Roller Skating night will be at The Castle on April 27 from 5:30-8:00pm. No RSVP. PTO will pay admission fees and students are responsible for the skate fee. Students can request songs for the playlist and PTO will be collecting toiletry donations for The Loft. A flyer will be sent home with the students.
PTO will provide breakfast for the staff on April 24 at the start of PSSA testing.
Administrative Professionals Day is April 26. PTO will give Mrs. Drennen a gift card.
There was a discussion of upcoming field trips and which grades have requested funds from the PTO. Dr. McPherson will check in with the teachers to see if any other assistance is needed.
PTO will provide smoothies for the 6th grade field day and popsicles for the end of year field day on May 25. Since there is a not a school-wide field trip this year, PTO will provide bounce houses/activities for the students to enjoy throughout the day and during the family picnic that evening.
The End of Year Festival on the evening of May 25 will include the aforementioned bounce activities and family picnic. Families will have the opportunity to purchase from one or two food trucks and/or bring their own picnic fare.
6th Grade graduation will be held the afternoon of June 1. PTO has $1,000 earmarked for t-shirts, refreshments, supplies, etc. Expenses are expected to be less.
Melissa announced the PTO officer nominations for the 2023-2024 school year.
Secretary: Heather Tennies
Sign person: Bethany Nissley
TBD: Monica Beazley
Open Floor:
Continued discussion of possible food trucks for the End of Year Festival—Nano Burger, Mister Softee, Tri-County Barbeque
The snow cone food truck was suggested for the students during Field Day.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Heather Tennies.
LeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2023 at 6:30 in the library
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Jess Martin, Secretary; Gabriela Haigu, Assistant treasurer; Karen Giffen, Assistant officer; Dr. Carly McPherson, and 6 other attendees.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson shared that there will be an all school wildlife assembly for the students on March 13. It will be split into two sessions. All classes also participated in dissecting an owl pellet to go along with the theme of “Poppy”. There will be another assembly from Maryland Science Center next week and another traveling art assembly at the end of the month with the Van Gogh Museum.
Dr. McPherson talked about the dates for PSSA testing. April 25-27 ( Language Arts), May 1-2 ( Math), May 3-4 (Science 4th only).
There will be spirit days coming up on Wed the 15th (Twin Day) and Thurs the 16th (Green Day) for students and staff that wish to participate
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara shared that there is currently $23,266.31 in account.
Previous Events Recap:
Karen reported that the Take Out Tuesday this month was successful. The next one will be held on April 4 at Chipotle.
Sons and Special Ladies night was also a huge success. The format was changed for this year and everything ran smoothly.
Jess shared that we sold nearly 800 subs! This will help with field trips and other events. *Reminder* Sub pick up is this Tuesday (Mar. 14) from 4-6pm in front of the main office.
Upcoming Events / Housekeeping:
Jess talked about plans for the end of year picnic. The hope is to have a couple of food trucks as a fundraiser. Families can also bring a picnic meal. There will be free bounces and other activities for the kids.
Melissa discussed the talent show. There are about 15 acts performing on March 24 @ 6:30.
Karen talked about Daddy/Daughter paint night that will be held on April 21. The night will be run differently than last year with Ms. Harnish providing a tutorial and walking around to answer any questions. It will be capped as space is limited.
Bethany shared that we are bringing back rollerskating night on April 27 from 5:30-8pm. *This is not a drop off event!* Admission will be covered by PTO but skate rental is $4. We will also be collecting toiletries for The Loft.
Karen mentioned field trips. We are looking at ideas for an all school field trip but it might not take place until the Fall.
Open Floor:
There were some questions about yearbooks. All 6th graders will be receiving a free yearbook from the PTO.
Next meeting April 11th
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LeTort Elementary PTO
Meeting Minutes
Feb. 9th, 2023
6:30 pm – LeTort Library
Welcome and Introductions: In attendance was Melissa Hochreiter, President; Gabriela Haigu, assistant treasurer; Karen Giffin, assistant officer; Carly McPherson, principal; and two other attendees
Principal’s Report – Dr. McPherson
LeTort Love Literacy is underway, has been advertised in the LeTort Ledger and more info is to come. Unveiling event is 2/21/23 at 2 pm, PTO to come for photography.
March Madness Spirit calendar is coming to break up the longness of March. First event is Tropical Treats Day on 3/3/23. PTO to provide popsicles for all students.
Books and Breakfast RSVP is due 2/13 for breakfast counts for food services. Event is 3/21/23.
Upcoming March assemblies are Maryland Science Center on 3/16/23 (paid for by PTO) and Van Gogh Mobile Art on 3/30-3/31 (funded by PMEF).
Treasurer’s Report – Tara Beakes Report given by Assistant Treasurer Gabriela Haigu
Total available balance = $16,416.19
Activity on account since last meeting:
Purchase of yellow paper = -$114.27
Cashed a check from Shutterfly for Dr. McPherson
Got Sneakers Fundraiser = +$4.25
Cans 4 Kids = +$21.05 (YTD $113.05)
Take Out Tuesday (YTD $631.30)
Isaac’s (November) = $78.11
Noodles & Company (December) = $90.19
Copper Hill Public House (January) = $300.00
5 Below Holiday Shopping = +$357.00
PTO District Meeting Recap – Melissa Hochreiter
Quarterly meeting for all elementary school PTOs with Dr. Gale and Dr. Egan
Included open forum about trends and needs of the PTOs
Getting help from parents was a big need
Melissa posed question to the group
Communication changes are starting to solidify with parents
specific task assignments are often needed
more sign up sheets at events
How to get more teachers involved?
recognition events like “Sunshine Committee”
Previous Events Recap
Take Out Tuesday – Arooga’s - Karen Giffin
Didn’t seem well attended
Should receive check in a few weeks
Upcoming Events / Housekeeping
Bus Driver Appreciation Week – Melissa Hochreiter
Need to coordinate date with other PTOs
Sons & Special Ladies Night – Gabriela Haigu/Lindsay Gring
Meeting with Chip Schaeffer went well, he has many plans to be organized and keep participants engaged. He is not charging anything.
Glow theme
Food includes pizza, light snacks, cookies, water
PTO needs to borrow speakers from the school, will coordinate with Mr. Deubler and Mr. Smith
Take Out Tues. March – Karen Giffin
3/7 at Tropical Smoothie
No paper flyer to bring in, receipts are collected at the restaurant
No May TOT due to other spring fundraisers
Roller Skating - Nissley
delayed until spring due to lack of funds earlier in the year
Looking at 4/27 date
PTO covers cost of facility. Skate rentals are not included
Not a drop off event
Potentially will include a supplies drive for the Loft
Spring Fund Raisers – Jess Martin
Sub Sale - papers due 3/3, sub delivery on 3/14. Forms sent home with kids 2/17
BBQ sale - Hess’s booked through the end of the school year. Jess to look into chicken BBQ. Planned schedule is to have BBQ available for End of Year picnic instead of doing pot luck.
PA Farmshow Milk Shake truck planned for End of Year picnic.
Talent Show – Melissa Hochreiter/Carla Yoccum
3/14: Show Us Your Act day (may add 3/13 as well depending on turnout)
3/23: Dress rehearsal
3/24: Talent show
Field Trips/All School Field Trip – Melissa Hochreiter
Teachers asked to make any request for money to Melissa ASAP.
Potential all school field trip in May after PSSAs
MU Winter/Ware Center
Muddy Run Park - Karen to research
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 9th . May be virtual, TBA
LeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2023 at 6:30 pm in Library
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Jess Martin, Secretary; Karen Giffin, Asst. Officer; Dr. Carly McPherson, Mrs. Baker, and 6 other attendees.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm with introductions.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson reported that grant money from PMEF was used to purchase a sensory path and an exhibit for use in the area near the car rider hall. The items used are colorful and follow a path of activities for the students to complete to help them stay focused when in the hallway and refocus before going back to the classroom. Grant money was also given for an in-school field trip by the VanGo Museum Art Bus that will be coming at the end of March. Each class will get to participate by entering the van to see art exhibits, much like as if they were going to an art museum in person.
Dr. McPherson also talked about the 2 scholarships that the LeTort PTO provides to 2 graduating Penn Manor seniors based on community service and academics. ($500 each). The discussion involved qualifications for being considered for the scholarships.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara shared that there is currently $16,066.53 in the account.
Previous/Upcoming Events:
Karen reported that Take Out Tuesday at Noodles & Co brought in $90.19 and Copper Hill brought in $300 which also included a donation from the venue.
Tara talked about the holiday gift shop at 5 Below. It was a huge success with little provisions required from the PTO. We are looking into doing it again this year. A special thank you to all the 6th grade helpers! It brought in $359.62.
Jess shared about the Scrip Card Program. The PTO made a few hundred dollars off of the sale of gift cards before Christmas. There was discussion about whether to continue this program in the future.
Jess reported on the Giving Tree. There was discussion about whether or not to continue doing it. Most of the teachers just ask for gift cards.
Melissa shared about the LeTort Holiday Extravaganza. Each of the kids were given hot chocolate and a candy cane. There were also Christmas carols for each class. The kids seemed to enjoy it.
There was discussion about possibly changing the bookfair to a week other than conference week.
Karen talked about Game Night. It was decided that because there were not enough families signed up that it would be canceled and will look to reschedule if timing allows.
Melissa discussed Sons and Special Ladies night. We are looking at changing it up due to a concern raised about too many participants not participating in the dance. A professor from MU will be leading the event with structured programs
Karen shared that Take out Tuesday February will be held at Arooga’s.
Melissa said that Bus Driver Appreciation week will be in February. There will be a special treat given to the drivers from PTO.
Melissa talked about the Talent Show which will be held on March 24th. “Show Us Your Act” dates will be Mar. 13th and 14th. and dress rehearsals will be Mar. 23rd.
Mrs. Baker discussed a new upcoming event called LeTort Loves Literacy. It will be held for a month starting in February.There will be an assembly for the big reveal. There was a motion made by Melissa to add money in the budget for future years and a second by Karen. This year, a large portion is covered by a PMEF grant. The remaining balance required will be covered by PTO. It was also discussed that future budgeted amounts for this event will depend on the response to this first event and that budgeted amounts will likely change every year for this event and based on what is needed.
Melissa talked about the yearbook. Flyers will be coming out soon.
We are looking at some ideas for a Spring fundraiser. Some ideas were sub sale, Hess’s BBQ, etc.
Open Floor:
All 6th graders get a free yearbook from PTO.
It is not known yet if all LeTort 6th graders will be attending Marticville Middle school for the upcoming 2023-2024 year.
Next meeting will be February 9.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.
LeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm (virtual)
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Jess Martin, Secretary; Karen Giffin, Asst. Officer; Gabriela Hagiu, Asst. Treasurer, Dr. Carly McPherson, Principal, Mrs. Geiter, Kindergarten teacher, and 8 other attendees.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson reported that report cards will be posted on Friday and the hope is parents will review them and have them to discuss at conferences next week. Conferences take place next week on Monday until 8pm and Tuesday until 3:45 pm.
The first all school assembly will be on December 9. It is a science theme called Dome Earth Theater. Each class will get a 30 minute session.
There will be a holiday concert in December featuring band, orchestra, and chorus on December 21. Parents of those students will be invited to attend and it will be recorded for viewing elsewhere as well.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara shared that there is currently $18,016.59 in the account.
Previous/Upcoming Events:
Karen shared that a check will be coming from Isaac’s in a few weeks. It was unknown how well attended the Take Out Night was.
Dr. McPherson delivered a meal from El Serrano to the winner who raised the most money during Laps that was covered by PTO.
Melissa noted that the bounce day provided by PTO was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all the students. It was a great weather day!
The book fair papers came out this week as well as an envelope for each student. The books have arrived and the set up is scheduled for Friday. Teachers can preview it on Monday morning and make a wish list. **Volunteers are still needed especially for the younger classes.
Melissa mentioned that Scrip gift card fundraiser will be happening this year. A paper will be coming home with more details. The deadline will be December 7 and delivery will be around the 12th. PTO makes a percentage off each card sold.
The PTO will be providing a meal for teachers on Monday evening during conferences. It will include drinks, coffee, and dessert.
Tara talked about the Holiday Shop that is coming up the week of December 5th-9th. It will be held at 5 Below this year. Our school will get 10% of everything sold during those days with the school flier. The designated LeTort shopping day is December 8. That evening from about 5:30 until 8pm the students can get a helper to shop for the family. There will also be a gift wrapping station set up.
Take Out Tuesday will be held December 8 at Noodle & Co (next to 5 Below) from 4-8pm in conjunction with the Holiday Shop.
The school wide Winter celebration will be held (tentative date) December 22. The teachers will be wearing pajamas and sharing their favorite childhood story. There will also be caroling by the PTO, hot cocoa or chocolate milk, and candy canes.
Open Floor discussion:
Ashlee asked about pictures for Laps for LeTort regarding the class pictures that she took.
Lauren mentioned the yearbook cover contest that usually takes place over the holidays for 6th grade students. She also inquired about coordinating the LifeTouch pictures with our yearbook company.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:23pm.
The next meeting will be in January.
Minutes submitted by Jess Martin
LeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2022
In attendance was Melissa Hochreiter (President), Tara Beakes (Treasurer), Mrs. Winters (2nd grade teacher),
Mrs. Baker (academic support teacher), and four other attendees. Melissa opened the meeting at 6:35pm with
Staff Report-
*Given by Mrs. Winters on behalf of Dr. McPherson
Parent teacher conferences are being held on Monday, November 21 st from 1:45-8:00pm and Tuesday,
November 22 nd from 1:45-3:45pm. There may be additional times for conferences provided by
individual teachers. The link to sign up will be sent out tomorrow, October 21 st . Please make sure to
sign up! Melissa confirmed that the PTO will provide dinner for the teachers during the evening
conferences on Monday. Many thanks for Laps for LeTort. The teachers noted how smoothly the day seemed
to go and the kids had a lot of fun!
Treasurer Report-
Tara reported that there is currently $15,997.43 in the account. Laps for LeTort raised $12,973.05 to date but
there are still donations coming in. It was discussed that we now have a bit of a “cushion” to work with after
the depletion of funds during Covid.
Previous Events Recap-
Melissa discussed the county wide PTO movie night that was held at Clipper Magazine Stadium. LeTort
sold 100 tickets that were provided and made $300 from those sales. A question was asked if we had
to turn anyone away after selling all 100 tickets, but it was said that we were able to get more tickets if
needed. There was food available at the stadium and all the attendees enjoyed their evening!
Melissa shared information on the last take out night on behalf of Karen. It was held at El Toro
Barbacoa, and we were able to raise $149. The owner communicated that all the orders were filled.
Melissa was happy to report that Laps for LeTort was a huge success and we were able to raise $12,973
to date! The students are receiving incentives for raising money. Mrs. Binkley’s class raised the most
money, so they enjoyed a water balloon battle. There will be a “LeTort story hour” where teachers will
dress in their PJ’s and share their favorite childhood story, Dr. McPherson will dress up as the LeTort
Lion at a later date, and the school is having a bounce party. The date for the bounce party is
Thursday, November 3 rd with a rain date of November 7 th or November 8 th . There was a lot of positive
feedback from both parents and teachers about the event. It was noted that the kick off assembly that
was held generated a lot of buzz within the students. Melissa also shared that there were several
people who had trouble making donations in the days leading up to Laps. After speaking with the
company, it was discovered that multiple organizations on the Fundly site were hacked. None of the
credit cards used from LeTort were compromised and the company that is in charge of Fundly, called
Stripe, shut down the website until new security measures could be put in place. That was the reason
donations were not able to be made. The PTO will look into other options for collecting funds next
year in hopes to avoid this from happening again.
Upcoming Events-
Melissa gave information on the next take out Tuesday on behalf of Karen. It will be held on
November 1 st at Isaac’s on Centerville Road. We will receive 15% of all sales (including dine in, take
out, catering, and gift cards) from anyone who brings in the flyer anytime on the 1 st .
Mrs. Baker and Melany Musser discussed the upcoming scholastic book fair. Once they receive the
material from scholastic, flyers will be sent out with information about the event. The students will
visit the book fair during the school day with their classes at designated times. The fair will also be
available for parents to visit during conferences. The teachers will have wish lists available for families
who would like to gift books to teachers. It was mentioned that there is an option to set up an eWallet
for each teacher with a QR code that would be available at the fair. eWallet will also be available for
students to use or they may bring their own money. Mrs. Baker said that they are working on having a
child wish list paper available for those students who want to write down books that they see and may
enjoy as a gift. It was also confirmed that the PTO will be purchasing a book for each student again this
year. Students will choose their book in class, and they will be distributed once the order is filled.
Volunteers will be needed during the book fair, especially to help the younger students, and a sign up
genius link will be sent out closer to the date.
Tara shared some information about the new holiday shop event. The PTO will host a shopping night
on Thursday, December 8 th at 5 Below on Fruitville Pike. Specific times will be shared at the next
meeting once more information is gathered. LeTort will be able to receive 10% of any purchase (if a
flyer is presented at time of purchase) during the whole week of December 5 th -9 th . Tara is looking into
recruiting 6 th graders, or maybe PMHS students, to help younger students make purchases and there
will be a table set up for wrapping gifts. There was discussion about possibly changing the take out
Tuesday in December to take out Thursday to coincide with the shopping night. More information to
Melissa discussed the possibility of having a holiday event for the 2022 school year. Nothing has been
decided on yet. Any suggestions are welcome!
The next PTO monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 15 th .
The meeting was adjourned by Melissa at 7:20pm.
Notes taken and submitted by Ashlee MartzallLeTort PTO Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2022 at 6:30pm
In attendance: Melissa Hochreiter, President; Tara Beakes, Treasurer; Gabriela Hagiu Asst.
Treasurer; Jess Martin, Secretary; Karen Giffen, Asst. Officer; Dr. Carly McPherson, Principal,
Mrs. Joyce Wright, 3 rd Grade Teacher; and 11 other attendees.
Melissa opened the meeting at 6:30 with introductions.
Principal’s Report:
Dr. McPherson reported that the school year was off to a good start and that some of the teachers and staff participated in an assembly that showed the students what to do and what not to do.
There are 2 more assemblies planned throughout the year. One is a “domed earth” exhibit and the other is a Md. Science Ctr with experiments. There is a possible 3rd with the availability of a grant.
Communication looks different this year. The LeTort Ledger will come out once a week with important information. Dr. McPherson encouraged people to explore the new “Letort.pennmanor.net” website.
The running club is looking for volunteers to record laps the students complete during recess. Running club takes place on Tues/Thurs each week through November.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tara noted that there is currently right around $5000 in the account which is on the low side.
Previous Events Recap:
Jess shared that Meet Me On the Playground had a good turn out of new students and Kindergarten families. PTO officers were able to mingle with the parents while kids played.
Melissa talked about a new fundraiser called Got Sneakers. We were able to collect $30 worth of used athletic shoes. This will run all school year.
Karen reported that our first Take Out Night at Friendly’s wasn’t as well attended as expected. We still made $153. It was a rainy night right after a holiday weekend.
Gabriela discussed Back to School Night. The PTO was set up in the gym with signup/interest sheets for future activities during back to school night. There was a great turn out!
Melissa talked about the staff welcome back lunch/gifting breakfast. They were both well appreciated by the teachers.
Gabriela shared that the spirit wear sale made $329.37. We went with a company from the past and the prices were a little cheaper. (B&T) All items should be in by early October.
Upcoming Events:
Melissa shared about the countywide PTO movie night. A new event for us that takes place at the home of the Barnstormers. All 100 tickets were sold at $5 each.
Karen mentioned that the next Take Out Tuesday will be held October 4 at El Toro Barbacoa from 4-7pm. All orders will need to be called in ahead of time and picked up. A LeTort flyer will be required to show when you pick up your order so we get credit. A limited menu is available for the night. Although the restaurant portion is closed, the business is remaining open as a catering venue.
Melissa noted that Custodian Appreciation Day is October 3. We will be giving our 2 amazing custodians a small gift. Students are welcome to make a card to show their appreciation too.
Melissa discussed Laps for LeTort which is our biggest FUNdraiser of the year and will be held on October 7. There will be a short assembly trying to pump up the kids to get donations. Parent volunteers will be needed. There will be no t-shirts given out this year due to lack of funds. The theme will be PM/LeTort school spirit.
Roller Skating night will be moved to the Spring due to lack of funds.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held November 21 and 22 during parent/teacher conferences. Melany Musser and Kim Baker will be chairing this event.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.