2024-2025 Student Handbook


LeTort Elementary School
561 LeTort Road
Washington Boro, PA 17582
717 872-9530 (phone)
717 872-9552 (fax)

https://letort.pennmanor.net/ or follow @PMLetort

School Hours 

1st-6th grade - 9:00 am and ends at 3:28 pm

AM Kindergarten - 9:00 am and is dismissed at 11:35 am  

PM Kindergarten -12:55 pm and is dismissed at 3:28 pm 

Items listed in the handbook are alphabetical. 


Excuse forms should be submitted online via the Sapphire Parent Portal, or a written note from a parent may be returned to the classroom teacher immediately following an absence. Excuses will not be accepted after three days. Arrival after 9:00 am is considered tardy and students will need to bring an excuse card or handwritten note signed by a parent explaining the reason for the tardiness.


As defined in the school board policy:


Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, which occurs in a school setting and/or outside a school setting, that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following:  

Possible Consequences:


Students will be assigned seats and MUST remain seated until the bus arrives at their bus stop.  They will be expected to keep the aisles clear and avoid all behaviors that may divert the driver’s attention from driving safely.  If damage is done to the bus, the offender will pay for it.  Respect for the driver and other students will be expected at all times.  Riding the bus is a privilege.  Students who violate bus rules or jeopardize the safety of bus riders may forfeit their bus riding privileges. 


We will continue using a “Three Strikes, You’re Off” system to address inappropriate behavior.  Be aware that the following disciplinary steps will be taken when bus behavior does not meet expectations:

First strike: Bus Referral 1

The student will lose their recess privileges for the day and the referral will be sent home to parents, which needs to be signed and returned the following school day.  Students may not resume recess until the office receives the signed note. 

Second strike: Bus Referral 2 

The student will lose their recess privileges for the week and the referral will be sent home to parents, which needs to be signed and returned the following school day.  Students may not resume recess until the office receives the signed note. Also, the student’s seat will be moved to allow closer supervision by the bus driver.  

Third strike, you’re “OFF”: Bus Referral 3

The student will lose their recess privileges for one week and lose their bus privileges for a period of time to be decided by the principal.  The bus referral will be sent home for parent signature and must be returned the following school day.  During this time, parents will need to provide transportation for their child.

*Exception: Any physical aggression may result in an immediate bus suspension per the principal’s discretion.

Additionally, the district policy states that each student will be assigned one bus and one bus stop.  Either the district transportation director or school administrator must approve all changes, in advance.  These changes will only be permitted for emergency situations.  


Please refer to the school district calendar, which can be found on our district website or Penn Manor app, for important information such as early dismissals and closing information. Please refer to https://www.pennmanor.net/calendar/.


2 Hour Delay (Modified Kindergarten)-Students will be picked up two hours later than regularly scheduled.  Morning kindergarten students will be dismissed at 12:45 pm. for parent pick up. Afternoon kindergarten can be dropped-off between 1:35 and 1:40.  School will start at 1:45 pm and be dismissed at 3:28 pm.  

Notifications: Delays and early dismissals are announced on radio stations:  WDAC, WIOV, WLAN, WSBA, WQXA, WJTL and WRKZ and TV stations: WGAL and WLYH.  Please do NOT call the school for this information.  Information will also be posted on the district website, www.pennmanor.net.


Technology is an essential part of curriculum and instruction at Penn Manor School District. Over the past 10 years the district has expanded classroom technology availability, promoted teacher professional development and worked to weave technology into the fabric of student learning experiences.

Just as technology has become a part of our classrooms, students have also embraced technology for communication, homework and personal studies. In the past, the use of student owned cell phones, laptops, netbooks and iPods was forbidden during the school day. Penn Manor School District has recognized the importance of allowing students to utilize their own personal technology at school for legitimate instructional activities. For this reason, all district school buildings now offer filtered guest wireless access for students in all grade levels. Student and parents need to be aware of several rules and requirements before a device is brought to school:

We are thrilled to offer this exciting new service and hope you and your child will be too. Questions related to the student guest wireless service may be directed to Charlie Reisinger, Chief Information Officer, via email: charlie@penmanor.net.


Parents of students in grades 3 thru 6 are able to view their child’s grades throughout the school year using Penn Manor’s student information system entitled, Sapphire.  Parents should visit: https://sapphire.pennmanor.net/CommunityWebPortal/ to apply for an account.


All medication, including prescription and over-the-counter medications, including Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) require the written permission of the prescribing physician and the parent or guardian.

Per PMSD school board policy, students may NOT transport ANY medications except emergency auto injectors, inhalers, and prescription eye drops.



The Penn Manor School District seeks to ensure educational stability and success for homeless students. The district will ensure homeless students have access to the same educational programs and services for other district students.  

Homeless students are defined as individuals lacking a fixed, regular and nighttime residence, which include students living under the following conditions: 

• Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship. 

• Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to lack of adequate alternative accommodations.  

• Living in emergency, transitional or domestic violence shelters. 

• Living in public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodations for human beings.  

• Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, transportation stations or similar settings.  

• Living as run-away children.  

• Abandoned or forced out of homes by parents/guardians or caretakers.  

• Unaccompanied youth, defined as any child not in the physical custody of a parent/guardian.  

Students deemed homeless have the rights to:

• Immediate school enrollment. 

• Enroll in the local school where they are living, or remain in their original school. 

• Receive transportation to their original school, if requested. 

• Receive free breakfast and lunch. 

For questions, contact the Penn Manor School District Homeless Liaison, Jerry Egan at jerry.egan@pennmanor.net or (717)872-9500.


The elementary day begins at 9:00 am and ends at 3:28 pm.  Morning kindergarten begins at 9:00 am and is dismissed at 11:35 am.  Afternoon kindergarten begins at 12:55 pm and is dismissed at 3:28 pm.  Students should not be dropped off before 8:45 am. To avoid blocking the bus lane, please drop students in the back of the building.


There is a lost and found located in the lobby.  It will be emptied and things donated at the end of each marking period.


Please inform the office of any changes in address or phone numbers.  You may also update this through the Sapphire Parent Portal.    

In case of an emergency or a sick child, it is imperative that we are able to reach a parent or guardian. 


Conferences are scheduled during the month of November. A schedule for these conferences will be created after we receive input from you concerning convenient times to accommodate your schedule. A letter will go home before scheduling your input. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time during the year as the need arises.


We have many children who are highly allergic to different types of animals and we need to be sensitive to their individual situations. Therefore, we
request that NO pets be brought into the building


If a pre-planned absence is necessary, parents are required to fill out a form for prior approval. Forms may be submitted online via the Sapphire Parent Portal, or may be obtained from the office.  Please give the principal ample time (at least five days) to allow for good communication between the parent, teacher and school office. All assigned work will be your child’s responsibility to complete within the time allotted by the classroom teacher (no more than 3 weeks).


Loose fitting clothing or footwear (including flip flops), which could cause injury, are not appropriate for school.  Shorts should be long enough to reach fingertips when students are standing up straight.  Spaghetti strap shirts and muscle shirts are not permitted.

Clothing that advertises any drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, is of questionable taste or is potentially disruptive to the educational program is not permitted.  No hats may be worn in the building.


If you plan to pick up your child early, or at the end of the day, please submit an online note at:

If your situation changes, you must call the office no later than 3 PM.  Again, in order to protect instructional time, teachers will be notified of all changes to end-of-day plans for the students at 3 PM.

Please note the dismissal times listed below:

3:25 PM Car Rider students and walkers will be dismissed. 
3:33 PM Bus Rider students will be dismissed.

If you are picking your child up at the end of the day, you must use the pick-up area located at the rear of the building. A staff member will dismiss students, listed on the clipboard, as their parents are identified.  Parents are asked to display their name tag for the staff member to see.

All students who have not been picked up by 3:35 p.m. will be brought to the office to wait for their parents. PLEASE BE PROMPT when picking up your child.


Due to the potential interruption to the learning environment and the danger of them being broken, lost or stolen, these items are NOT to be brought on the bus or to school.


To ensure building security, all parents, visitors, and former students are required to report to the office to obtain a visitor’s pass in exchange for keys or a photo ID. To avoid interruptions to the classroom, parents are asked to leave all messages and materials at the office. The office will notify the teacher or student as soon as possible.  

Parents are also requested to notify the teacher in advance when they wish to confer on matters concerning their child.  Arrival and departure times are particularly busy for teachers and we would appreciate you scheduling appointments that do not interfere with these times.